It also allows you to explore the contents of remote ClearCase repositories ( VOBs) and select resources to load into a local ClearCase view. 它还允许您浏览远程ClearCase存储库(VOB)的内容,并选择资源加载到本地ClearCase视图中。
In this section you will create a local broker through the Brokers view 在这个小节中,您将通过Brokers视图创建一个本地代理
However, the line workers lack both the authority and motivation to improve these routine tasks and are limited by their local view of the business. 但是,在直线管理体制下的员工,既没有职权也缺乏主动性去改进这些一成不变的工种,同时,狭隘的经营观念也限制了他们的手脚。
Study on Practicing Strategy of Chemical Engineering Majors in Local Undergraduate University in the View of Constructivism 建构主义视野下的地方本科院校化工类专业实习策略探析
When I was driving through a local cemetery to view the cherry trees, I spotted this squirrel munching away the cherry blossom petals. 樱花开花图片库。当我乘车穿过一个当地的公墓去观赏樱花树。我看见这只有斑点的松鼠大声咀嚼远离樱花花瓣。
This article analyzes the present conditions of fuel consumption of local vehicles in the view of existing problems, and put forward some measures for economizing fuel with practical experience. 从汽车节油入手,分析了当地汽车燃料消耗现状,指出存在的问题,并总结经验,提出应对措施。
Promoting Local Government Innovations: Local Cadres 'View 地方政府创新的驱动模式&地方政府干部视角的考察
This article analyzes the relationship between property tax and local public finance in the view of public sector economics. 摘要该文从公共部门经济学角度对财产税与地方财政的关系进行了分析。
Runs the Query, Cross-Tab, Graph, Local View, and Remote View Wizards 运行查询、交叉表、图形、本地视图和远程视图向导
Study on Local Economic Legislation in the View of Scientific Development 科学发展观视野下地方经济立法研究
The new generation of migrant workers has become the major force in the local construction, their employment view has direct influence on the development of the local enterprises and economy as well. 新生代农民工已经成为地方建设的主力军,他们的就业观会直接影响当地经济的发展。
Discuss on normative drawing of local type view 关于局部视图的正确画法
At present, the phenomena that some local government distorts the view on the political achievement are serious. 当前一些地方政府政绩观扭曲现象严重。
According to the features of the distributed processing, the distributed processing oriented workflow modeling is explored from the local and global view of points. 在分析对分布式处理特点的基础上,从局部和整体的角度,探讨了面向分布式处理的工作流系统建模。
It uses the Mediator-Wrapper structure building up a platform frame. This frame adopts the methods of virtual view and describes the local data view with XML. 该框架以典型的Mediator-Wrapper体系结构为平台框架结构,采用虚拟视图的方法,用XML描述局部数据源视图。
Local Government Bonds In View of American and Japanese Experiences 从美日经验看地方政府债券制度
The Relationship between the Central Government and Local Government from the View of a Super Big Society 超大社会视角的中央与地方关系
In order to increase the irradiation power density of local view point, the low loss Teflon microwave lens focusing energy of microwave is used near the irradiating horn. 为了提高局部观察点的辐照功率密度,在辐照喇叭口采用了低损耗聚四氟乙烯微波透镜以聚焦微波能量。
The focal point of this article lies in putting forward the control design method to cooperate with the city management regulation, thus contributes to keeping the organic order of the view of the street, even more, extend the local characteristic of the view of the street. 本文的重点在于提出与城市管理法规相协作的控制性的设计方法,从而更有助于保持街道景观的有机秩序,延续街道景观的地方特色。
We build a local role hierarchy view for each user during the runtime to improve the speed of checking user privileges. 同时通过在运行时为每个用户在内存中建立一个局部角色层次视图提高了系统的权限检查效率。
Furthermore, because global view and local view are all constructed based on domain-based Ontology, the conflict of semantic field be avoided. 此外,系统使用基于领域本体构建全局和局部视图的策略,避免领域中概念的语义冲突。
The Function Transition of Chinese Local Government in the View of Information Asymmetry 信息非对称视角下我国地方政府的职能转变
The Present Condition and the Significance of the local Literature Research in the View Point of Contemporary Time 当代视野下地方文学研究的现状和意义
It is of significant theoretical and realistic value to study the relationship between the central government and the local government from the view of a super big society. 以超大社会的视角研究中央与地方关系,具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。
This view has some truth to help China to establish the concept of procedural justice. But due to out of our local environment, this view is difficult to operate and lack of feasibility in judicial practice. 这种观点虽然有一定的道理,有助于我国树立程序正义的理念,但是由于脱离了我国的本土环境,在司法实践中难以操作,缺乏可行性。
However, most literature is inclined to interpret the governance transition of local government from the perspective of urbanization, or to explain the urbanization process based on local government governance view. 但学者们多倾向于从城市化视野解读地方政府治理变迁或者从地方政府治理改革的角度诠释城市化发展。
Onthe local view, all attributes are not focused on by user or important to distinguish the class labels. 从关系内部看:并不是所有属性都是用户关心的或者对类别有较大区分性的。
This paper proposes the following strategy to provide a reliable local node view: obey the power law distribution and use of priority connections growth model; push-pull mechanism gossip; the optimization of the heart based on distributed hash table. 本文提出如下策略以提供给节点一个可靠的局部视图:服从幂律分布并使用优先连接的增长模型,推拉的闲谈机制,一种基于分布式哈希表的心跳优化。
From the saving cost and the local conditions of view, will accrue already a long time of gangue as subgrade filling construction of freeway, have a certain economic and environmental benefits. 从节约成本和因地制宜的角度出发,将积存已久的煤矸石作为在建公路的路基填料,具有一定的经济环境效益。
In chapter three, it studies the cultural formatting and spreading of XinYang folk music, and the mutual influence between XinYang folk music and local culture from the view of cultural researches. 第三章从文化学的角度,探究了信阳民歌的文化成因与传播方式,以及信阳民歌与当地文化之间的相互作用和影响。